1.) What does an initial consultation & exam entail?
A chiropractic consultation & exam can range anywhere from “where does it hurt” and a few pops of the spine with no explanation or diagnostic testing, to a truly in depth evaluation. Since your nervous system is the lifeline of your body and you live your life through your nervous system, it is essential that proper testing is done to find the cause of your problem and develop a plan to get you back to 100% health. In our chiropractic office we utilize the insight millenium, a cutting edge computerized nerve scan, to detect any damage to the nerves that control your organs. We also check posture, range of motion and palpate your spine to find areas of damage or subluxation. We may recommend digital x-rays, if necessary, to evaluate the structural alignment of your spine and to make sure we know how to properly adjust your spine to get you the best results.
2. How much does the evaluation cost?
Your Co-pay or $40
Your initial consultation, evaluation, x-rays (if necessary) and first adjustment are all covered by your normal insurance co-pay. If you do not have insurance your first visit is $40 and that covers everything.
3.) Does the doctor give you a detailed report of findings?
A detailed report of finding is a crucial part of the care you receive in our office. This is your chance to learn about the advanced corrective care we provide and see how many people in our community have seen amazing results with our care. We want you fully realize how your body has an innate potential to heal and how chiropractic care helps you heal yourself from the inside out.
4.) Does the doctor explain the type of care options they give up front before you have a large financial commitment?
We explain in detail corrective care and relief care options that our office has so you can choose the best approach to getting your desired results. Finances and insurance coverage are reviewed in detail before you assume any financial expense beyond your co-pay or $40. This way you can decide without pressure what path to wellness you want to take and options are given to make care affordable for the whole family.
5.) Does the doctor offer gentle adjustments?
At Ithaca Family Chiropractic we offer varying adjustment techniques to make your care and healing experience as comfortable and productive as possible. We are trained by the ICPA to offer safe light adjustments that are comfortable and effective event for kids.
6.) Can your children benefit from chiropractic care?
We have taken years of advanced pediatric training and have incredible experience caring for children with various conditions including newborns following birth. You will see many families utilizing the specific, scientific chiropractic care we provide to help keep their whole family healthy. We would love for you to come check out our office and see for yourself how our care is helping so many people in our community get healthy! Call (607) 257-9355 to set up an appointment for yourself and your family today and take charge of your health!